The tube-like sound is complete, airy, dynamic, lively, and incredibly musical. The purity of human voices and the accuracy of instruments is breath taking. The Roma37DC+ with its 450W provides a fast, dynamic presentation without the dryness and sterility of other Class D designs. This is due to the 6DJ8 tube input stage and the natural sound of the class D audio module. Resolution, transparency, and detailed sound are above and beyond that which one would expect from an amplifier. The Roma37DC+ has USB "B" type, DSD 5,6MHz, and optical input. 32Bit resolution gives you a fantastic sound stage and beautiful sound reproduction. The MM phono stage combines exceptional sound quality and unique features.
Inputs (37DC/37DC+): 2 Line
1 Phono (MM/MC high impedance)
Digital inputs (37DC+): 1 Optical Toslink,
1 USB “B” type Windows / Mac / iOs /
Android compatible
Max resol. (37DC+): 24Bit 192KHz (Optical)
32Bit 384KHz (USB)
DSD up to 5,6 Mhz (USB)
Gain stage (each ch): 1X ECC88
Power output (each ch): 250W (8ohm) - 450W (4ohm)
Frequency response: 20-20KHz +-0 dB
Pre output: Volume controlled
Sensivity: 200mV for max power
Signal/Noise ratio: >90dB (A-weight)
Remote control: Included
Power consumption: 1000W max
Dimensions: (w,d,h) 410x390x95mm
Weight: 8 Kg